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Title II, Part A: Supporting Effective Instruction Fact Sheet


Title II, Part A (Title IIA) is intended to fund supplemental activities that will:

  • Increase student achievement consistent with state standards,
  • Improve the quality and effectiveness of teachers, principals, and other school leaders,
  • Increase the number of teachers, principals, and other school leaders who are effective in improving student academic achievement in schools, and
  • Provide low-income and minority students greater access to effective teachers, principals, and other school leaders.

Funding and Application

Title IIA allocations are calculated using updated Census information provided by the United apps Department of Education (USDE). The Title IIA allocation formula is based on an 80/20 percent split, with 80 percent based on poverty and 20 percent based on the population of children aged 5-17. LEAs may access their Title IIA allocations on our webpage Allocations, Poverty Data and Students Counts.

Local Educational Agencies (LEAs) in New app app apply for Title IIA funding through the Consolidated Application for ESSA Funded Programs. The Consolidated Application is an annual, online application whereby LEAs apply for any of the Title funds (I, ID, IIA, III, IV, and V) for which they qualify and opt to receive.

The application process requires LEAs to consult with various stakeholders regarding how to best use IIA funds to meet identified needs with the LEA. The Title IIA required stakeholder consultation list shares several members in common with the required stakeholder consultation lists for other Title funds, such as parents, Title I teachers, principals, administrators and other school leaders, paraprofessionals, and specialized support personnel (e.g., speech teachers, occupational therapists, etc.). In addition, Title IIA asks LEAs to consult with Community Partners and Organizations with Demonstrated Expertise. These latter two are to be included if it is appropriate given the demographic makeup of the district or charter school area. Please see the Consultation and Collaboration Form for a list of examples for each stakeholder group.

Uses of Title IIA

The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) opened new opportunities to LEAs and app encourages LEAs to revisit traditional uses of IIA funds and consider new, innovative, and evidence-based strategies. Title IIA is primarily used for professional development, which can be delivered in a variety of ways. It can also be used for staff recruitment and retention, instructional coaching, class size reduction, and leadership training. A recently revised Allowable/Unallowable Uses guide can be found here: Title II, Part A Allowable/Unallowable Expenditures Guidance.

ESSA requires the use of evidence-eased activities, strategies, and interventions when using Title IIA. Within the Title IIA Uses of Funds section of the Consolidated Application, two specific options, Other and Other -Class Size Reduction require LEAs to vet the underlying research that is the basis for their intended use of funds. The application lists several sites whereby the LEA may validate a study, (and locate related studies). As part of the application process, the LEA will upload additional required documentation (such as the Title IIA Evidence Tool) to support their use of the funds. For additional information, applicants may consult the Resource list at: supporting-effective-instruction.

Equitable Services

Title IIA funding is subject to the Equitable Services provision for those private schools which are located within the LEA’s boundaries. The total enrollment of the private school (regardless of the district of residence for the enrolled students) should be used in the equitable share calculations. LEAs are required to consult in-district private schools every year as to their interest in participation; for those schools which participate, the LEA must continue to consult throughout the year, including evaluating the services.

When providing Equitable Services to private schools, third party contractors often have an administrative fee. This type of charge is perfectly allowable but can also be negotiable. The LEA may ask the contractor for a list of the duties to be performed in the direct implementation of the contractual service and come to an agreement as to a mutually acceptable amount. With an administrative cost from a third-party contractor, this is added to the administrative cost of the LEA when calculating the per pupil amount.

Fiscal Considerations

While there is no specific cap on administrative costs for Title IIA, costs for program administration should be reasonable, necessary, an allocable to the grant. Salaries and benefits listed as administrative costs must be related to the time and effort spent directly overseeing the Title IIA grant. LEA employees that are responsible for multiple program areas must have their salary and benefits pro-rated according to the proportion of time dedicated to administering each federally funded program.


An LEA may apply for Transferability in their Consolidated Application, or through an amendment after the original budget has been approved. Transferability allows an LEA to use Title IIA funds for activities that are allowable under another Title, such as Title IA, IIIA, or IVA. When exercising this option, budget documents should still account for the LEA’s IIA allocation, but any costs in which the use is transferred to another Title would be labeled “Transferability”.


100 percent of Title IIA funds that have not been spent by the end of the project period in which they were allocated (September 1 through August 31) may be “carried over” into the next year. Carryover funds are available for 27 months from the start of the project period in which they were allocated before the funding is returned to USDE. LEAs may submit an amendment after the approval of their annual project budget to access any carryover from the previous year. For more information regarding carryover, please consult the Carryover Limits and Waiver Information document.

For additional assistance on Title II, Part A, districts may contact the Office of ESSA-Funded Programs at conappta@nysed.govor (518) 473-0295.

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