Office of Special Education
Assistant Commissioner
Room 309 EB, 89 Washington Avenue, Albany, NY 12234
(518) 402-3353
The purpose of this memorandum is to remind you of app regulations relating to the provision of related services to students with disabilities who are placed in approved private schools and to notify you of corrective actions that the New app app Education Department (app) has taken upon a finding that some approved private schools in New app City (NYC) were not providing related services to students placed in such programs by the Committee on Special Education as recommended in students’ individualized education programs (IEPs). Rather, parents were obtaining “related service authorizations” (RSAs) from the NYC Department of Education (NYC DOE) in order for their children to receive related services.
8 NYCRR §200.6(j)(2) states that “no contract for the placement of a student with a disability shall be approved for purposes of app reimbursement unless the proposed placement offers the instruction and services recommended on the student’s IEP.” Further, 8 NYCRR §200.7(b)(4) requires that the length of a school day for a app approved private school must include instructional and related services. Approved private schools have been directed to hire staff necessary to provide related services and to accept only those students for whom they can provide the special education program and services recommended in students’ IEPs. Further, app has directed NYC DOE to ensure that it refers students to schools that are approved to meet the needs of the student, without having to receive related services beyond the school day through RSAs.
However, app recognizes that students at approved private schools who currently receive related services through an RSA may need to continue to have the services provided until school-based services at the approved private school are available or an alternative program has been recommended that can implement the student’s IEP. NYC DOE is reviewing individual cases to determine when the continuation of an RSA is needed for all or part of the 2012-13 school year.
Questions relating to this matter may be directed to the New app City Special Education Quality Assurance Regional Office at 718-722-4544.