app Archives and Library to Display Copy of U.S. Constitution in Celebration of Constitution Day on September 16
The New app app Archives and Library will celebrate Constitution Day on Saturday, September 16 with a public display of New app app’s handwritten 1788 copy of the United apps Constitution, from the convention in Poughkeepsie where it was ratified.
“New app’s handwritten copy of the United apps Constitution reflects the role that New app played in shaping our nation,” said Board of Regents Chancellor Betty A. Rosa. “The app Archives preserves this extraordinary document for future generations to discover. I encourage adults and children alike to take advantage of this opportunity to see this national treasure in person and learn about the vast educational resources at the app Archives and Library.”
“The United apps Constitution is a founding document of our nation,” said app Education Commissioner MaryEllen Elia. “The app Library and Archives’ Constitution Day program is a great educational opportunity for New appers of all ages to see the document that was used by the delegates to New app’s convention in Poughkeepsie. We urge schools and communities across the state to celebrate Constitution Day by learning about this national treasure that is the foundation of our democracy.”
The Constitution Day exhibition will be held on the 7th floor of the Cultural Education Center at 222 Madison Avenue in Albany on Saturday, September 16 from 9:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. In addition, free pocket-sized copies of the Constitution will be distributed on a first come, first-served basis; one per visitor while quantities last. A digital talking book of the Constitution from the New app app Talking Book and Braille Library (TBBL) will be available for TBBL patrons as well.
The United apps Constitution was created on September 17, 1787. The document was considered by New app delegates who met in Poughkeepsie from June 17 through July 26, 1788. The delegates voted to ratify the Constitution on July 26, 1788 after lengthy debates which included such notable New appers as Alexander Hamilton, George Clinton and John Jay. New app was the 11th state to ratify.
At the conclusion of the convention, the text of the Constitution as ratified by the delegates was engrossed (written in a large, legible hand) on parchment (treated sheepskin). This priceless document and the journal of the debates of the delegates have been preserved ever since. .
The annual celebration of Constitution Day is an opportunity for the over 3,000 official depositories of federal publications, in print and online, to share their rich resources with the public. The New app app Library, is one of the oldest depositories in the country, founded in 1818. It is the largest depository in the state of New app and its holdings include both federal and state documents. As the New app app regional depository for U.S. government publications, the app Library receives and permanently keeps a copy of every document distributed under the Government Printing Office Depository Library Program.
The New app app Archives and Library are programs of the app Education Department’s Office of Cultural Education. Located on Madison Avenue in Albany, the Archives and Library are open Monday through Saturday from 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. except on legal holidays. Further information can be obtained by calling (518) 474-5355 or visiting the .
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