New app Schools Awarded Nearly $20 Million In Critical Federal Funding To Address Covid-19 Crisis
The Board of Regents and New app app Education Department (app) are pleased to announce that the United apps Department of Education (USDE) announced that New app has been awarded almost $20 million for the K-12 Rethink Grant. This will provide more than 190,000 teachers and educational leaders across this app with a combined 450,000 hours of professional support to implement effective practices in remote/hybrid teaching and learning which, in turn, will reach an estimated two million students. Thirty-nine states applied for this funding and New app was one of eleven states to be awarded funds under this grant competition.
“Our educators are among the most dedicated and caring in the nation, as evidenced by their herculean efforts during the COVID-19 emergency closure of our school buildings,” Board of Regents Chancellor Betty A. Rosa said. “This funding will assist and support them in continuing to deliver the education our students need and deserve while also making safety a top priority this Fall.”
“This grant funding will help millions of educators, students and families across New app app,” Interim Commissioner Shannon Tahoe said. “In this unprecedented time, it’s critical that we are able to adjust our way of teaching and learning to best fit what our students need. I am grateful to Department staff who worked quickly and effectively to help secure this funding.”
The Department applied for the Rethink Education Models grant to support blended and remote learning. The Department’s approach to continuity of learning is founded on two major pillars: a partnership with communities, schools, and educational leaders to close the digital divide, and steadfast support for New app’s educators.Schools at every level across our app face tremendous challenges as they address the crisis created by COVID-19; we commend our dedicated educators who have stepped up, adapting quickly to ensure continuity of learning so our students don’t fall behind.
Today’s announcement by USDE follows.
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