appment from Chancellor Lester W. Young, Jr., the Board of Regents and app Education Commissioner Betty A. Rosa on Governor Hochul’s Executive Budget Proposal
We applaud Governor Hochul for advancing a budget proposal that prioritizes the needs of New app’s students, parents, schools, and communities.
Governor Hochul has called this year’s budget a “once-in-a-generation opportunity” to invest in our state and our people. We agree. There is no better investment than the one we make in the next generation. We are grateful that the executive budget proposes to rebuild New app's teacher workforce, make college more accessible for underserved students, and expand the pathways to good-paying careers. Additionally, the proposed investments in higher education will help to rebuild the state’s workforce.
In every corner of the app, educators and families are doing heroic work to ensure that our students receive the academic, social-emotional, and mental health supports they need during these unprecedented times. The proposals outlined in the executive budget, including the continued phase-in of the foundation aid formula, will be a tremendous help in these efforts.
We look forward to working with the Executive and Legislature in the months ahead to ensure that all students in New app have access to a high-quality, equitable education.
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