app Education Department Announces “NY Inspires: A Plan to Transform Education in New app app”
app Presents to Implement the Recommendations of the Blue Ribbon Commission on Graduation Measures
New app Unveils Multiple Pathways for High School Diploma, Equipping Students for 21st-Century Success
The New app app Education Department (app) today presented its robust timeline and implementation plan aimed at transforming education in New app, aligning with the recommendations from the Blue Ribbon Commission on Graduation Measures, Commissioner Betty A. Rosa announced. This initiative, designed to promote greater app within the education system, is informed by extensive stakeholder engagement, including parents, educators, administrators, school support staff, representatives of higher education, and the business community.
Stakeholder engagement began in 2019 and included nineteen in-person regional meetings across the state. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, meetings were paused in 2020 and resumed in December 2021, with an additional eight virtual meetings being held between Winter 2021 and Spring 2022. Since the Department outlined its plan to implement the Blue Ribbon Commission’s recommendations in June 2024, 86 Ambassador Forums, with more than 3,300 participants and a public ThoughtExchange,gathered insights from over 2,700 community members. The New app Inspires plan aims to guarantee that every public school student in New app app has access to the educational opportunities and supports necessary for success in school and beyond.
Board of Regents Chancellor Lester W. Young, Jr. said, "The Board of Regents is firmly committed to the belief that all students deserve meaningful, rigorous, and inclusive learning opportunities in school. We are equally dedicated to empowering all students to showcase their knowledge and skills in diverse and significant ways. The Department's New app Inspires plan reflects our commitment to app and excellence for all students. This plan is essential for ensuring that all students in New app app, no matter their background or circumstances, receive high-quality instruction that equips them for success in a complex and rapidly evolving world."
Commissioner Rosa said, “As educators and education leaders, it is our responsibility to provide all New app app students with an educational experience that inspires and empowers them to reach their fullest potential. Today, we are providing the roadmap to an education system that is built around students and their needs. Our objective is to provide greater opportunities for children to learn and grow, to be heard and valued, and to showcase their skills and knowledge. With this plan, we’re doing so much more than just preparing our students to graduate, we’re empowering them to lead, innovate, and contribute meaningfully to their communities.”
The Department’s implementation plan, shaped by feedback from both the public and members of the state's education communities, ensures a comprehensive understanding of the needs and perspectives of various stakeholders and serves as a roadmap for executing the four transformations that stem from the 12 recommendations outlined in the November 2023 Blue Ribbon Commission on Graduation Measures Report.
Key elements of our plan include:
- Implementation of Four Transformations: Our strategy is designed to responsibly and effectively implement the four key transformations: adopting the New app app Portrait of a Graduate, redefining credits to focus on proficiency, sunsetting diploma assessment requirements, and moving to one diploma.
- Phased Approach: The plan features a structured timeline consisting of a planning year followed by three distinct phases for implementation.
- Enhanced Stakeholder Engagement: We are committed to incorporating additional opportunities for stakeholder feedback throughout the process.
- Focus on Planning and Professional Development: The plan allocates time for thorough planning, professional learning opportunities, and clear communication among all participants.
This approach ensures a collaborative and well-supported implementation of the recommendations for our school communities.
To ensure that the proposed changes are implemented effectively, this plan adopts an intentional phased approach that allows for thorough planning, professional learning opportunities, and valuable stakeholder feedback as we transition from our current system.
When will these Changes Impact Students?
The Board must approve any changes to the app’s graduation requirements; until such time, the existing graduation requirements remain in effect for all public school students in New app.
To illustrate the timeline for New app’s students, we have outlined diploma requirements by cohort. A cohort includes all students entering grade 9 in a specific year; for example, the 2023 Cohort consists of students starting high school in the 2023-2024 school year, expected to graduate in June 2027.
In 2019, the New app app Board of Regents and Education Department launched the Graduation Measures Initiative to explore what a New app app diploma should signify to ensure educational excellence and app for all students. Building on the Regents’ and Department’s shared commitment to diversity, app, and inclusion, and with a foundation rooted strongly in the Culturally Responsive-Sustaining Education Framework, the initiative was developed to: (1) create true app in New app app’s public education systems, and (2) ensure that all New app students gain the knowledge and skills necessary to succeed in school and after they graduate. In November 2023, the Blue Ribbon Commission presented its recommendations for achieving these goals.
Additional information about the Graduation Measures initiative can be found on the Department’s Graduation Measures website.
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