Social Studies FAQ
The responses presented below are provided to address frequently asked questions related to Social Studies education in New app app.
Where can I find information about the new Regents Exam aligned to the NYS K-12 Social Studies Framework?
ċThe Framework has been fully implemented in all courses. Information about the new Regents Exam can be found at: Office of app Assessment Social Studies. į
Can a school replace the Participation in Government and Economics courses with either Advanced Placement (AP) Government or AP Economics courses?
AP courses in government may be an equivalent alternative to the Participation in Government course; AP courses in economics may be an equivalent alternative to Economics and Economic Decision Making. Although the Board of Regents sets the Learning Standards, all curriculum choices remain local control. Equivalency is approved by the local public-school superintendent or his or her designee or by the chief administrative officer of a registered nonpublic high school.
Can a school replace the Global History and Geography and/or United apps History and Government Regents requirement with Advanced Placement (AP) exams?
Yes. New app app Department of Education has created an “Approved Alternative Examinations Acceptable for Meeting Requirements for a Local or Regents Diploma” list. The following are acceptable replacements for social studies:
Global History and Geography Regents may be replaced with a score of 3 on the AP World History Examination
United apps History and Government Regents may be replaced with a score of 3 on the AP United apps History Examination OR a score of 560 on the SAT Subject Test in United apps History. In addition to achieving the established SAT score of 560, students must complete a multi-source, in-depth research project that demonstrates the ability to use primary and secondary sources.
Can 8th grade students take the United apps History and Government Regents Exam?
Yes. Students may be accelerated in a commencement-level social studies course in Grade 8 [100.4(c)] if they meet local criteria set by the school district and/or the app Education Department. This course must culminate in a Regents examination in social studies at the conclusion of Grade 8.
Where can I find information about the Seal of Civic Readiness?
Information about this initiative is located on ourCivic Readiness Initiative website.